Wednesday, 5 November 2008

I looked and saw the video of Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? And I think, yes they kill the creativity.And I agree with his ideas about the extraordinary evidence of human creativity, we made planes because we have no idea about the future and we study, and the capacity of innovation in children. The kids lost this hability because they are not prepare to being wrong, and if you are not prepare to being wrong you never do something original.

In the school said the things you like you never got a job, you don't be an artist. I pass for this situation, they give more importance to the mathematics or science and stigmatice all kind of art, because you will die of hangry in the future.

But I take the risk and study design because is my passion and I have faith in my capabilities, and I think will find a job in something there I like...I hope

Also I learn don't be afraid to mistakes, in the correction of proyects we have to improvise and probably we wrong but is the only way to innovate.

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