Sunday 30 November 2008

My blog

Finally I will talk about my blog, if it helped me to learn english, if I had fun doing this or if a get bored.

At the start I don't liked to write in my blog because it was difficult to me, it took me so much time, it cost me, I don't knew how to arm the sentences and the ideas, but with the time and the practice I started to think in english. I mean, I started to arm the ideas in my head with words in english and it became a little more easy.

Then I had problems with the grammar the past, the future, conditional... I knew the differences but when I was writing I forgot to put the ed, will, would, etc... and this problem also was resolved with the practice.

The topics of the post always liked to me, because were introduction for other topics and were related with design or architecture and I was free to give my opinion, make decisions about what topic I write, to choose the topic I like moust and think about things non-academic.

Especially I liked the post of "my favourite song" were I talk about one of the greatest hits of my life, "the best designer" it cost me a lot because I admired so much designers, "my favourite movie" and it was difficil too because I'm a movie fan and "" I felt identified because my school did not give importance to art music or dance.

In resume I think I learned a lot of english doing this, is a good tool to motivate students. Few teachers dare to use the computers and software and this is the tool more used between the estudents, teachers should speak the "same language" and the comunication would be more fluid. I think blogs are a good mean of comunication.

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