Sunday 30 November 2008

My blog

Finally I will talk about my blog, if it helped me to learn english, if I had fun doing this or if a get bored.

At the start I don't liked to write in my blog because it was difficult to me, it took me so much time, it cost me, I don't knew how to arm the sentences and the ideas, but with the time and the practice I started to think in english. I mean, I started to arm the ideas in my head with words in english and it became a little more easy.

Then I had problems with the grammar the past, the future, conditional... I knew the differences but when I was writing I forgot to put the ed, will, would, etc... and this problem also was resolved with the practice.

The topics of the post always liked to me, because were introduction for other topics and were related with design or architecture and I was free to give my opinion, make decisions about what topic I write, to choose the topic I like moust and think about things non-academic.

Especially I liked the post of "my favourite song" were I talk about one of the greatest hits of my life, "the best designer" it cost me a lot because I admired so much designers, "my favourite movie" and it was difficil too because I'm a movie fan and "" I felt identified because my school did not give importance to art music or dance.

In resume I think I learned a lot of english doing this, is a good tool to motivate students. Few teachers dare to use the computers and software and this is the tool more used between the estudents, teachers should speak the "same language" and the comunication would be more fluid. I think blogs are a good mean of comunication.

Sunday 23 November 2008

The colors

In the last class we talked about the colors. The impresion they cause in us and inclusive what color I prefer my partner use. I think the colors influence a lot in the relationships because we had some preconceived interpretations, for example black is sad, or hostile, yellow is joy, pink is tender, etc.

I think red is the color of the passion because we gave this meaning, and socially men gave a positive attribution to women wearing red, using lipstick red or anything red, unconsciously.

In my case I like wearing a lot of colors in the clothes, especially pink, yellow and black, but in my boyfriend I prefer black or white.

Finally in the cuestions say what I think about the colors in the nature, if like to change something and I think the colors in the nature are perfect.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

I looked and saw the video of Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? And I think, yes they kill the creativity.And I agree with his ideas about the extraordinary evidence of human creativity, we made planes because we have no idea about the future and we study, and the capacity of innovation in children. The kids lost this hability because they are not prepare to being wrong, and if you are not prepare to being wrong you never do something original.

In the school said the things you like you never got a job, you don't be an artist. I pass for this situation, they give more importance to the mathematics or science and stigmatice all kind of art, because you will die of hangry in the future.

But I take the risk and study design because is my passion and I have faith in my capabilities, and I think will find a job in something there I like...I hope

Also I learn don't be afraid to mistakes, in the correction of proyects we have to improvise and probably we wrong but is the only way to innovate.

Saturday 1 November 2008

My Neighbor Totoro

It's very difficult to me choose only one movie that I was enjoyed watching. But if I had do it I choose My Neighbor Totoro because represents a optimistic world where don't exist bad people and the principal don't had a antagonist.

Totoro is a forest spirit that little Mei, and later her older sister Satsuki, encounter in a giant camphor tree near their new home in the countryside. Although their father, a university professor, is with them when they move, their mother is in the hospital, recovering from some unnamed illness. When Mei hears that her mother's condition may be worsening, she resolves to visit her all by herself. When everyone realizes she's missing, only Totoro knows how to find her.

I enjoyed this movie because it's a dream have one neighbor like Totoro, who can fly and had friends like a catbus, who is the transportation of choice for Totoro. NekoBasu's got glowing eyes for headlights, rats for tail lights and furry seats that change size according to the passenger.

I feel identified with the little Mei, when I was a girl my older sister always caried of my and played together.

Relax In Puyehue

I went to Puyehue when I was fifteen.

I went to a hot springs called
"Aguas Calientes" it is a lovely thermal center with its own volcanic activity, located in the Tenth Region of the Lakes, amidst dense forests that are nourished by the area's numerous water basins and rivers.

This place is paradise for those who just want to relax and forget about the stress brought on by daily city life while enjoying nature and fresh air.

I went with my uncle, aunt and cousin for the vacations in winter and this liked too mach that we went in summer later. It was a precious and unforgettable experience, It was the first time that I went to a hot spring.

I went to swim whit my cousin in the pool every morning and afternoon and we had a lot of funny situations to remember.

Also we went to "Antillanca" a ski center located on the hillside of the Casablanca Volcano, close to the hot springs. We don't went to sakiing but we enjoyed of the snow and maked a "war of snowball" and it was very funny. We stayed in there all day.

Every day we went to a different restaurants and we could choose any meal that we wanted.

That was one of the best vacations that I ever had, I would like to go again with the same persons.